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Religious and Spiritual Life


Welcome to the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life 


New and Prospective Students:

Get Connected: Fill out the interest form   (www.bit.ly/SkidORSL)to get started connecting with religious and spiritual life, clubs, interfaith opportunities, holiday event announcements and more. This form helps us plan for the year and welcome you to campus, allows you to sign up for interest lists, and lets you ask questions like: When are High Holy Days services on campus? How do I find a ride to the masjid on Fridays? Can I continue this faith-based service project I started in High School? How do I find a local congregation that is LGBTQIA affirming? And more! We are looking forward to a full year of weekly gatherings, special events, and meaningful connections. Check out the "Religious Life on Campus" section of the website for tradition-specific information or contact us directly with questions. Note that our hours are limited over the summer so questions submitted through the interest form may take more than a week to receive a response. You can also reach out directly by emailing orsl@skidmore.edu. Urgent matters related to student life can also be directed to the Dean of Student's Office. 

Fall 2024

We are looking forward to a semester of weekly gatherings, quiet moments, interfaith collaboration, and joyous celebrations. We also know this is a semester that will bring big conversations and ongoing concern in the midst of national transitions and international conflicts. Know that we are here to connect with our students (and colleagues!) in times of joy, frustration, grief, transition, and all that comes between. Stop by for some tea and a chat and let us know what's on your mind. In addition to our own resources we can help connect you with other advisors on and off campus and with students who might be looking for the same kind of connection or programming you're looking for. 

The Fall 2024 Weekly Schedule will be shared soon. Look for the first listings during Orientation and the first week of classes. For an example of what to expect you can check out the Spring 2024 Weekly Schedule below with more to come. Holiday and special event programming will include Jewish High Holy Days, Samhain, Diwali, Advent, and more.  Join us on SkidSync, sign up with partner clubs, and watch for posters to receive updates on those events. 

Weekly Schedule
Events will be added as student clubs set their schedules. We welcome requests and suggestions! Most gatherings begin during the first and second week of classes. Updates will be in the descriptions below and on SkidSync when they are available. Questions? Want to add an event? Let us know: orsl@skidmore.edu. Schedule subject to change. During the academic year individual event listings also available on (Log in to SkidSync with your Skidmore login information for full access to event listings). 


Where are we?

Our offices are on the 2nd floor of Case Center where you can find all of the offices of Campus Life & Engagement (including the Student Diversity Programs, and Leadership Activities). We are in Case 205 and 206 along the hallway between the ATM and the main Campus Life and Engagement office (207). That main office, which is also the central office for Leadership Activities and Student Diversity and Inclusion is across the hall from The Wyckoff Center and just upstairs from The Spa and Print Services. 

Contact Information: email  orsl@skidmore.edu or directly to Parker Diggory, Director of Religious and Spiritual Life: kdiggory@skidmore.edu, or to Martina Zobel, Coordinator of Jewish Student Life: mzobel@skidmore.edu. During the academic year you can also set up an in-person or online meeting with Parker by picking a time . See our Meet the Staff page for more information. 

Mindfulness Program

Meditation, Sound Healing, Yoga, Contemplative Practices, and more. Check out the Skidmore Mindfulness page for more information about the program, including  guided meditations and recommendations of additional resources.  We welcome student input on programming and scheduling. Many of our meditation leaders and yoga instructors are current Skidmore students and we're always looking for more student leaders or those interested in gaining experience in leading meditation and related practices. 

Clubs and Gatherings

We are grateful for the leadership of our partner student clubs including  Challahmore,  Hayat, Hillel, Muslim Students Association, and our informal student groups. We also host weekly Zen meditation gatherings and biweekly Quaker gatherings.  In addition we partner with cultural and and affinity clubs along with the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion to support student-led celebrations, interfaith collaboration, and spiritual engagement. Check out the clubs on SkidSync and Instagram or get in touch with us to find out more. You can sign up for clubs via SkidSync (Skidmore login required to sign up and to see all of the offerings) and at Club Fair at the start of each semester. Is your club missing? Want to start a new club or meet-up? Let us know!

Exchange Closet

The Exchange Closet has moved! This wonderful student-initiated resource will be in Scribner Library beginning Fall 2024. Campus Life and Engagement will still be involved in helping to support it so feel free to get in touch with our department if you have questions during this transition. 



The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (ORSL) provides opportunities for members of the Skidmore community to develop their religious and spiritual lives and to build community within, between, and beyond traditions. 

We encourage enriching dialogue, meaningful ritual and enduring friendships among people of all religious backgrounds.

We offer:

  • religious services
  • holiday observances
  • contemplative practices
  • speakers and lectures
  • educational programs
  • discussion groups
  • community-service opportunities
  • social-justice projects
  • club advising
  • individual spiritual counsel

Contacting a chaplain or spiritual advisor

During the academic year, the ORSL staff are available to meet  with students (in person or online as possible)regardless of religious, spiritual or secular background. Affiliated advisors and local religious leaders from specific traditions are also available on and off campus. We are happy to help students connect with leaders and communities from their preferred tradition. 

Connect with the ORSL:

  • to discuss faith, spirituality and religion
  • to connect with faith communities on or off campus
  • for prayer or spiritual counsel
  • to plan events on campus of religious, interfaith, and/or spiritual interest
  • if you’re navigating a time of grief or transition
  • to talk about identity and community
  • when worried about a friend or loved one
  • just to talk
Wilson Chapel

Wilson ChapelWilson Chapel is a beautiful space for worship and wonder, retreat and reflection. The space does not belong to any one tradition or religion and it can be transformed easily to fit specific ritual needs. When not scheduled for campus events, it is available to the Skidmore community for personal reflection and prayer. Events at the chapel include yoga, meditation, religious prayers and services, and events that explore many forms of spiritual and contemplative practice.

During the academic year: When not otherwise reserved, the chapel is normally open from around 7 am. to around 11 p.m. during the school year for use by students, staff, faculty, and guests. Those interested in reserving Wilson Chapel for outside use, including weddings, should consult the External Facilities Rental information from the 49ͼ¿â°ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« Scheduling Office. 

  EXAMPLE Weekly Schedule from Spring 2024. Fall 2024 information will be updated as the semester begins

More events may be added as the semester continues! Don't see what you're looking for? Let us know! 

Contact orsl@skidmore.edu with questions, additions,  to sign up to receive regular emails with links and updates, or for information including accessibility and accommodations. Unless otherwise noted, gatherings are open to all Skidmore students. Many gatherings are open to staff and faculty and some are open to the wider community. See descriptions or contact us or the event organizer with questions. 

Note: Schedule subject to change. Sign up for updates or RSVP to events on SkidSync to receive change notices. 


Starts January 29. Prayer from a range of Christian traditions. Newcomers always welcome. Case 205 is part of the Campus Life & Engagement space on the 2nd floor of Case Center by the ATM (also Parker's office). Staff and faculty welcome. Contact: kdiggory@skidmore.edu 

Starts January 29. Hang out, take a break, study, meditate, pray, just be. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons (and any time the chapel is open and not otherwise reserved). Most afternoons hosted by ORSL student staff. No need to RSVP. Wilson Chapel is located by the North Woods, just across the parking lot from Palamountain and Tisch. Contact: kdiggory@skidmore.edu 
Presented by the Skidmore Counseling Center. This semester  Mindful Mondays are moving to the Athletics center. Updates coming soon! Starts in February. 
Schedule TBA. Want to help set the schedule or receive updates? Email Martina: mzobel@skidmore.edu.  Stop by for a casual discussion of topics and texts related to Jewish tradition. All are welcome, regardless of religious background. Newcomers welcome throughout the semester. Led by Martina Zobel, Coordinator of Jewish Student Life. Case 207 is part of the Campus Life & Engagement space on the 2nd floor of Case Center across from the Wyckoff Center.  Contact: mzobel@skidmore.edu 


Starts January 29th. Hang out, take a break, study, meditate, pray, just be. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons (and any time the chapel is open and not otherwise reserved). Most afternoons hosted by ORSL student staff. No need to RSVP. Wilson Chapel is located by the North Woods, just across the parking lot from Palamountain and Tisch. Contact: kdiggory@skidmore.edu

New Time for Spring 2024: 5:15-5:35 pm. Starts January 30th. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Guided meditation moment with attention to breath and mindful presence. Newcomers always welcome. Led by ORSL staff and student leaders.  Part of the Skidmore Mindfulness Program. Open to students, staff, and faculty. Case 205 is part of the Campus Life & Engagement space on the 2nd floor of Case Center by the ATM (also Parker's office) Contact: orsl@skidmore.edu 


New Time for Spring 2024: 5:15-5:35 pm. Starts January 30th. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Guided meditation moment with attention to breath and mindful presence. Newcomers always welcome. Led by ORSL staff and student leaders.  Part of the Skidmore Mindfulness Program. Open to students, staff, and faculty. Case 205 is part of the Campus Life & Engagement space on the 2nd floor of Case Center by the ATM (also Parker's office) Contact: orsl@skidmore.edu 
Starts September 6. Hang out, take a break, study, meditate, pray, just be. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons (and any time the chapel is open and not otherwise reserved). Most afternoons hosted by ORSL student staff. No need to RSVP. Wilson Chapel is located by the North Woods, just across the parking lot from Palamountain and Tisch. Contact: kdiggory@skidmore.edu

Begins January 24th.   This gathering brings together longtime practitioners and newcomers with experienced leaders from Skidmore and the local community (open to students, staff, faculty, guests, and local community members). Individuals of all religious backgrounds are welcome. Newcomers please try to arrive before 6:25 pm, as we offer basic Zen meditation instruction for first-time attendees promptly at 6:30 pm. Late-comers are welcome to enter quietly. We sit two periods interspersed with walking meditation, typically ending by 7:45. Cushions, meditation benches, and chairs are provided; wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. Questions or need a link for online gathering? Email Holley Hodgins, hhodgins@skidmore.edu



Starts January 29th. Hang out, take a break, study, meditate, pray, just be. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons (and any time the chapel is open and not otherwise reserved). Most afternoons hosted by ORSL student staff. No need to RSVP. Wilson Chapel is located by the North Woods, just across the parking lot from Palamountain and Tisch. Contact: kdiggory@skidmore.edu 

New Time for Spring 2024: 5:15-5:35 pm. Starts January 30th. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Guided meditation moment with attention to breath and mindful presence. Newcomers always welcome. Led by ORSL staff and student leaders.  Part of the Skidmore Mindfulness Program. Case 205 is part of the Campus Life & Engagement space on the 2nd floor of Case Center by the ATM (also Parker's office) Contact: orsl@skidmore.edu 

We are shifting the schedule! Thursday Therapeutic Yoga 6-7 pm. This is a centering and nurturing flow. Teaching team: Led by ORSL staff member Martina Zobel, an advanced yoga therapist (who also happens to be our Coordinator of Jewish Student Life!). Additional leadership by Maddie Friend, student and trained yoga instructor. Mats provided. 

Yoga sponsored by the Skidmore Mindfulness program of ORSL is grounded in the spirituality and history of yogic tradition and open to all students, regardless of experience or religious or secular identity.

contact: orsl@skidmore.edu 


Wilson Chapel is reserved every Friday 11:30am – 2:30 pm for Muslim prayers. Students can drop in to use the space or organize gatherings for Dhur and Jummah. Want to join a scheduled gathering or start your own? Get in touch with ORSL (orsl@skidmore.edu or stop by Case 205) or sign up with the Muslim Students Association (MSA) on SkidSync. Prayer rugs are available on shelves in the hallway to the right of the entrance.

Additional Prayer times and spaces: The chapel can also be used for prayer any time it is open and not otherwise reserved. Library 111 is available whenever the library is open.  Additional spaces can be arranged. 

Contact: orsl@skidmore.edu

Student-led egalitarian services to welcome Shabbat on Friday evenings. All are welcome. *Location subject to change. Sign up with JSL to receive updates. Contact:mzobel@skidmore.edu

We start with candle lighting, and blessings, and continue with a delicious meal and birkat hamazon as we close the week and connect with our community. Location is usually the 2nd floor of the dining hall but sometimes changes (sukkah, Fallstaff's etc). RSVP required (see Skidsync and updates from Hillel and JSL). Contact: mzobel@skidmore.edu 


Contact Jewish Student Life Coordinator Martina Zobel (mzobel@skidmore.edu) for more information or to help organize on-campus options. We can also help with transportation. See the "Local Communities" section for a partial list of congregations. 

Monthly(ish) gatherings for Havdalah to close out Shabbat and turn to the new week. Spring 2024 dates TBA.  Gatherings often continue with game nights or music jams. See announcements from Hillel and Jewish Student Life for details. Contact:   mzobel@skidmore.edu 


Students attend services at a number of local congregations. Contact orsl@skidmore.edu for more information and see Newman Club on SkidSync for specifics about attending Catholic Mass. Online options are available for many congregations from a wide range of religious traditions. See the Local communities page for a partial list of congregations. 

Spring 2024 dates:
January 28
February 11, 25
March 10, 24
April 7, 21
May 5

We gather for fellowship and unprogrammed worship, hosted by partnership with members of local Friends Meetings. Open to students, staff, faculty, guests, and local community members Contact: orsl@skidmore.edu 

Sunday yoga begins January 28. Led by trained yoga instructor and Skidmore student Maddie Friend. Mats are provided.

Yoga sponsored by the Skidmore Mindfulness program of ORSL is grounded in the spirituality and history of yogic tradition and open to all students, regardless of experience or religious or secular identity.

Contact: orsl@skidmore.edu


More to come! Want to request additional times or types of gatherings? Let us know: orsl@skidmore.edu or drop in to office hours or stop by Wilson Chapel during open hours. 



Schedule subject to change. See SkidSync or contact us for information or to find out about additional opportunities and local services.